




Dr. 苏珊P. 拉塞尔,主管
Dr. 伊丽莎白一个. Nehrbass, Instructional Specialist


传真: 240-740-1804



视力计划为失明和视力受损的学生(年龄在21岁)提供教育支持和服务。. Teachers of the Visually Impaired deliver a range of services to these students including: consultation to school staff regarding students’ vision needs; direct instruction in the expanded core curriculum (i.e. 盲文,代偿技能,技术,功能视觉的利用,定位 & Mobility); provision of adapted materials and specialized equipment.

视力项目有24名全职和兼职员工,其中包括视障教师, 定向和移动性 Instructors, 技术专家, paraeducators, 一个Braillist, a Program Support teacher and an Instructional Specialist.



We deliver a range of different programs to better assist the needs of our students:


Infant and Toddler 服务 are provided to families and children in their homes. A Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI):

  • 指导父母实施技术和适应,以最大限度地提高孩子的视觉功能.
  • provides ongoing assessment of visual functioning in a variety of settings.
  • 审查眼科报告,并与家庭和教育团队就儿童视觉功能的影响进行磋商.
  • 在家访期间与其他服务提供者合作,评估儿童的视力是否可能影响整体技能的获得,并提出适当的策略和适应措施.


视障教师和特殊教育辅助教育者为失明和视障的学龄前儿童提供多感官学习方法. 全日制课程提供了一个低的学生与教师的比例,以确保每个孩子接受专门的, individual instruction in areas of need. 该指令遵循威尼斯官网在线学前课程,目标是为学生在家庭学校或特殊教育计划中成功的幼儿园体验做好准备, 由IEP团队决定.

The class is located in an 威尼斯官网在线 elementary school. Bus transportation is provided to and from home or day care location.

  • All students participate in Art, Music, and PE, taught by the school’s specialists.
  • 学生 may also receive services from Occupational Therapists (OT’s), 物理治疗师(PT), Speech/Language Pathologists (SLP’s) and 定向和移动性 Instructors, if recommended by the IEP team.
  • 学生可以在学校花部分时间与非残疾学龄前儿童互动,以鼓励和促进适当社交技能的发展.

Pre-school 流动的服务

Eligible preschool students may also receive Itinerant 愿景服务, 适当的, 在其他威尼斯官网在线网站, including special education preschool programs, or in private preschools within Montgomery County.


巡回视力服务的范围从与学校工作人员的咨询到对学生的直接指导. The Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI):

  • 每年完成所有学生的学习媒体评估和功能视力评估.
  • 就学生视力障碍对学习的影响向学校教职员提供咨询和信息.
  • collaborates with student’s other service providers.
  • provides on-going assessment and monitoring of visual functioning and visual needs.
  • teaches compensatory skills to students
  • assesses need for and provides special equipment and adapted materials
  • trains appropriate students to use specialized assistive technology, including screen magnification and screen reading software, video and hand held magnifiers, 盲文笔记员, talking and large display calculators, 电子文本, 听得见的书, 等. 满足个人需求.


For a visually impaired student the choices of where, when and how are his own only to the extent that he can get around by himself, 并且已经学会并掌握了失明旅行的技巧. 这是通过定向 & Mobility that a student can take a step in accomplishing those skills.

  • The role of a Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist (COMS) is as follows: to assess students; determine appropriate travel goals; plan sequential lessons to build skills; teach independent skills to access academic environments 和 community; and team with parents, 教职员及学生.
  • 基本的O&由COMS根据需要教授的技能如下:基本移动技能(视力引导), 落后于, protection); concept development; visual efficiency(scanning); mobility devices(long cane, monocular); environmental concepts; street crossings; public transportation; and self-help skills


For students who are blind and visually impaired, assistive technology is an important component of their education. 辅助技术是指帮助残疾人提高能力和/或完成原本不可能完成的活动的任何设备或产品. 从会说话的字典和计算器到特殊的计算机软件和其他更复杂的设备, 自适应技术为盲人和视障学生提供了学习课程的能力,使他们变得更加独立.

威尼斯官网在线视觉项目的工作人员会对学生进行仔细的评估,以确定哪种技术对他们的特殊情况有益.e. visual limitations, learning styles, curriculum demands).


  • 计算器

    我们为学生提供大屏幕、语音输出或两者兼而有之的计算器. Some have the basic operations while others are scientific calculators. 同时, 我们的学生使用易于访问的图形计算器软件,如AGC和/或Math Trax进行高等数学.

  • 字典

    说话的用法 英语 dictionaries help some students to access the curriculum. 同时, 双语 具有语音输出功能的字典对母语不是英语的学生有好处, as well as students who take foreign language classes.

Screen Magnifier/Reader Software

  • 屏幕放大镜

    屏幕放大镜是一种能够放大部分或整个电脑屏幕的软件. Some are capable to a magnification up to 36x, enhance the cursor and pointer, 调整颜色和背景, 等. The use of screen magnifiers requires training.

  • 屏幕阅读器

    屏幕阅读器软件通过语音合成器解码并读出显示在计算机上的文本. 它们使用不同击键的组合来执行所需的操作(读取标题和/或上下文), 转到上一页, 打开链接, 等.). The use of screen readers requires training.


Braille notetakers are small devices with braille keys and speech synthesizer, which carry many functions of a regular computer. Some of them also have a refreshable braille display. Braille notetakers are able to transcript any braille input into regular print, which allow students to present their print out work to their teachers. The use of braille notetakers requires intensive training.


闭路电视(CCTV)是由一个摄像机组成的,它把书籍和其他文字材料的放大图像投射到电视屏幕上. 通常, 的放大, brightness and contrast of the screen display could be individually adjusted.


数字播放器是一种让盲人和视障人士收听电子书和其他MP3材料的设备. They also have a build in speech synthesizer for reading files in text format. These books and other reading materials can be downloaded free of charge from Bookshare.orgNational Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). The most popular digital player for the visually handicapped is the Victor Reader Stream.


An 电子盲文书写器 is a notetaker and embosser with file storage and speech feedback.  如果连接到普通的打印机,它会产生盲文输出的打印翻译. If connected to a regular computer keyboard, 任何人都可以为学生输入作业,而不需要知道盲文代码.



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